Subordinating conjunctions join unequal clauses: one independent and one dependent clause.
Der Vater musste seine Kinder wegschicken, weil er eine selbstsüchtige, zweite Frau hatte.
The father had to send his children away because he had a selfish second wife.
Damit sie mehr Essen für sich selbst haben könnten, bringen die Eltern die Kinder tief in den Wald.
So that they have more food for themselves, the parents take the kids deep into the forest.
Ich hätte diese Frau rausgeschmissen, wenn ich zwischen meinen Kindern und ihr hätte wählen müssen.
I would have thrown this woman out if I had to choose between my children and her!
Obwohl die Geschichte ihr gewöhnliches Happy End hat, finde ich den Vater recht doof.
Although the story has its usual happy end, I think the father is a real doofus.
Although there are several more subordinating conjunctions, these are the most commonly used ones:
als ob ...
as if
ohne dass ...
without ... + ing
since, ever since (time)
because, as, since
so dass ...
so that
so that
as soon as
as long as
while, during
There are also two more small groups of subordinating conjunctions you will frequently encounter:
1. question words: these can be used in sentences where one of the clauses was originally a question.
was (what)
wer (who)
wie (how)
wo (where)
warum (why)
wie viele (how many) etc.
Wir finden wahrscheinlich nie heraus, wie viele andere Kinder die Hexe in ihrem Leben gegessen hat.
We will probably never find out, how many other children the witch ate in her life.
Und warum sie so viel Geld in ihrem Häuschen hat, kann sie auch nicht mehr sagen.
And she can't tell us anymore, why she had so much money in her little house.
These questions words also frequently appear as conjunctions after certain set phrases involving wissen, fragen, sagen, verstehen, for example (this is not an exhaustive list).
Ich weiß, wo die Hexe wohnt.
I know where the witch lives.
Ich weiß aber nicht, wie ich dorthin komme.
I don't know, though, how to get there.
Wer weiß, warum sie Kinder essen wollte.
Who knows why she wanted to eat children.
Ich frage (mich), warum sie keine Vegetarierin wurde!
I wonder why she didn't become a vegetarian!
Wir verstehen nicht, was die Moral der Geschichte ist.
We don't understand what the moral of the story is.
2. als, wenn, wann: In English there is one word for all of these, namely when. In German, however, these three words are used in different contexts.
Als: refers to a one-time event in the past or a one-time event that happens exactly at the same moment as another one.
Die Kinder waren noch wach, als die Stiefmutter dem Vater ihren schrecklichen Plan beschreibt.
The children were still awake when the stepmother describes her terrible plan to the father.
Gretel gibt der Hexe einen Stoß, als sie ihren Kopf in den Backofen steckt.
Gretel gives the witch a shove when she sticks her head in the oven.
Wenn/Immer wenn: refers to instances that may happen or happened repeatedly (whenever) or events that are happening in the present or will happen in the future. It also has the meaning 'if' as in a conditional (if you want ...).
Immer wenn die Hexe wissen wollte, ob Hänsel genug zugenommen hat, hat Hänsel ihr statt seines Fingers immer nur ein Knöchlein gereicht.
Whenever the witch wanted to know whether Hansel has gained enough weight, Hansel gave her a little bone instead of his finger.
Wenn ihr die Übung macht, findet ihr heraus, was Hänsel und Gretel heutzutage machen.
If you guys do the exercise, you can find out what Hansel and Gretel are doing these days.
Wann: is used only in questions and indirect questions. As a conjunction, it is always in an indirect question, often with an introductory phrase such as 'Ich weiß nicht ...'
Die Kinder fragen ihren Vater, wann sie nach Hause kommen dürfen.
The children ask their father when they are allowed to come home.
Sie möchten auch wissen, wann sie die Hexe verlassen dürfen, aber die Hexe meint natürlich dass die Kinder ihr nie entkommen werden!
They also would like to know when they might be allowed to leave the witch, but the witch thinks, of course, that the children would never get away from her!
Word order with subordinating conjunctions
There are two types of word order that you should see with subordinating conjunctions:
1. Independent clause first, dependent clause second. In this case, the conjugated verb in the independent clause is in the second position, while the conjugated verb in the dependent clause goes to the end of that clause.
Gretel stößt die Hexe in den Backofen, damit sie ihren Bruder retten kann.
Gretel shoves the witch into the oven, so that she can rescue her brother.
2. Dependent clause first, independent clause second. In this case, the conjugated verb in the dependent clause still goes to the end of that clause, but the conjugated verb in the independent clause comes 'first' (it is actually still second position, because the entire dependent clause fills the first slot).
Weil ihre Stiefmutter gestorben ist, dürfen Hänsel und Gretel zu Hause bleiben.
Because their stepmother is dead, Hänsel and Gretel are allowed to stay home.
Wie ein Vater seine Kinder wegschicken kann, um eine zweite Frau glücklich zu machen, werde ich nie verstehen.
How a father can send his children away in order to make a second wife happy, [is something] I will never understand.