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Kapitel Zwei: Meinungsumfragen Ergebnisse
An der Uni What are you studying? What courses are you taking this semester? Where do you live while you are a student? In this chapter you learn how to ask and answer these questions in German.
Kapitel Zwei [pdf, 4.1 MB]
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Katrins Studiengang Katrin's course of studies Katrin: Anforderungen Katrin: Requirements Rike, Christine & Brigittes Semester Rike's, Christine's & Brigitte's semester Katrin: Im Ausland studieren Katrin: Studying abroad Bernas Wohnung Berna's appartment Tobe: Der Computer Tobe: The computer Tobe: Das Internet Tobe: The internet Vanessa: Im Ausland studieren Vanessa: Studying abroad Tobias: Die Bibliothek Tobias: The library Saras Küche Sara's kitchen Saras Bad Saras bathroom Saras Schlafzimmer Sara's bedroom