Engage, Explore and Discover! Integrate STEM Learning Concepts into Your Lesson Plans and Make Connections

The Glickman Center at the University of Texas at Austin (College of Liberal Arts Building 1.302B)
Rose Potter, University of Texas at Austin UTeach Liberal Arts
Katy Cooper
Ben Fisher
Lameese Ahmad
Niki García Holmes

During this day-long workshop, Rose Potter from the University of Texas at Austin UTeach Liberal Arts program will present a 5Es lesson plan that any WL teacher can easily incorporate into their curriculum. The 5Es are Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate (with an extra “E” for exit strategy.)

This constructivist approach to learning provides a powerful template to create effective, standards-based learning experiences that focus on collaboration, communication skills and critical thinking. The inquiry-orientated teaching and learning model supports the 5C’s to promote gains in language and cultural proficiency. 

Inquiry-based instruction differs from a traditional lesson plan design, as it encourages learners to construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge. It is a very open type of planning. Teachers design standards-based instructions around a learning objective, gather resources, and provide students with an opportunity to explore, build, and demonstrate their learning. It shifts the learning environment from one that is very instructor-centered to one that is very learner-centered. 

At the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  1. Design an interpersonal communication engagement that truly warms-up students’ minds, ears, eyes and tongue.
  2. Incorporate the concept of student-centered exploration, discovery and explanation into lesson planning to avoid teacher-centered lecture.



Workshop materials

All documents from the workshop are available in a google drive folder: https://goo.gl/awTsG6. In the root of that folder are the lessons from the attendees and in the subfolder called "Workshop documents" you will be able to find all handouts, presentation slides, etc: https://goo.gl/NbnPCC.



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