Lesson 3: Between Planning and Improvisation


1. A syllabus is a document that defines the expectations for the class and the framework for interactions between instructor and students. Therefore, its structure and dissemination are entirely at the discretion of the instructor.

2. "Planning for the unplanned" in the context of our module could mean everything except:

3. After the midterm given to his beginning Spanish class, Dr. Rogers, who noticed a pattern of grammatical errors that required a change of his instructional strategy, decided to add an hour exam three weeks before the final, which would account for 10% of the students' grade. To accommodate the change, he reduced the participation grade from 30% to 20% and provided the students and the department with a revised syllabus noting the change. The department chair, acting in accordance with the practices of the institution, most likely:

Clear Answers


Spend about one minute creating a list of classroom activity categories (group work, watching a video clip, listening to a song, student presentations/skits, etc.). Rank each activity category on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 as the highest rank, in terms of the degree to which it lends itself to impromptu, spontaneous introduction. Having identified the top two activity categories that lend themselves to spontaneous introduction, consider the following:

  • What makes these two activities compatible with spontaneity?
  • How can an instructor prepare so that she can be ready to come up with activities in these categories immediately?