3.1: Lebensmittel einkaufen - Grocery shopping Instructions: In this web quest you will go shopping for virtual groceries. Germany offers a wide selection of grocery stores, from the discounters with limited selection to the supermarkets selling a large variety of items. Don’t forget your own bag when you shop: most German stores charge for them. 1.First, make a German shopping list of things you will need for this week. You have to buy at least ten items. Look up words you don’t know yet and share your list with two other students. Come up with a master shopping list for your virtual WG. Here are some categories to guide you.
Sachen fürs Frühstück, Mittagessen und Abendessen Now you get to go shopping. Browse through the special sales ("Angebote") of some stores to find good deals. Look at the stores in general and describe your favorite store by answering some of these questions. Wer hat die besten Angebote?
You can choose from the following list of grocery stores:
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