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3.1:  Lebensmittel einkaufen - Grocery shopping


In this web quest you will go shopping for virtual groceries.  Germany offers a wide selection of grocery stores, from the discounters with limited selection to the supermarkets selling a large variety of items.  Don’t forget your own bag when you shop: most German stores charge for them.


First, make a German shopping list of things you will need for this week.  You have to buy at least ten items.  Look up words you don’t know yet and share your list with two other students.  Come up with a master shopping list for your virtual WG.  Here are some categories to guide you.

Sachen fürs Frühstück, Mittagessen und Abendessen
Snacks für zwischendurch (z.B. [zum Beispiel] Obst, Kekse, Schokolade, Chips)
Hygieneprodukte (z.B. Toilettenpapier, Damenbinden oder Tampons, Taschentücher)
Sachen für eine Party: in Deutschland darf man Bier und Wein bereits ab 16 Jahren trinken.  Schnaps und Branntwein ("harter" Likör) sind ab 18 legal.  Nicht zu viel trinken, bitte. Prost!


Now you get to go shopping.  Browse through the special sales ("Angebote") of some stores to find good deals.  Look at the stores in general and describe your favorite store by answering some of these questions.

Wer hat die besten Angebote?
Wer hat die größte Auswahl?
Wer ist am billigsten?
Was kann man bei einem Discounter nicht bekommen?
Warum kaufen Menschen gerne bei einem Discounter ein?
Wer hat gesunde und ökologische Produkte?

You can choose from the following list of grocery stores:

Norma   Aldi   Penny Markt   Lidl
Norma logo - Norma is in bold white letters on red and orange and yellow top and bottom borders -   Aldi Süd logo - light blue A in a square on dark blue rectangle and orange and red border lines. Aldi Süd is written in white at the bottom of the dark blue rectangle -   Aldi Markt logo - the letter A constructed out of dark and light blue lines in front of a white background with a red border standing on a dark blue rectangle that contains the name Aldi in white. Followed underneath by light blue Markt -   Penny Markt logo - Yellow text Penny Markt connected by an oval yellow line in front of a red background -   Lidl logo - Dark blue and red logo text Lidl in front of a yellow circle with red borderline on top of a dark blue square  -

Other stores:
Rewe Group   Kaisers/ Tengelmann   Tegut   Edeka
Rewe Group logo - Grey text Rewe followed by yellow and red squares and gray Group text italizied at the end of the second line -   Kaisers logo - white jug inside a circle with white borderline, in front of a red square -   Tengelman logo - Large serif T, with one light green and a dark green side -   tegut logo - tegut... white text on angled orange rectangle -   Edeka logo - Large blue E on top of small, blue logoname EDEKA, in front of a yellow background with a thin blue border  -

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