1.2: Willkommen in Würzburg! In this webquest, you will begin to explore your new virtual home for learning German (Würzburg). Start by accessing the Historic Highlights of Germany website, or by clicking on the image to the right; webquest images are also links. 1.What information can you find under the following (left column) menu items?
Follow the Geschichte link and jot down a few facts about the following historical buildings. Don't let the long German narrative scare you, just focus on what you do recognize: dates, names, locations, synonyms of historical periods (e.g., keltische).
Würzburg is also the starting point for the Romantische Straße, an interesting tourist attraction. Look at the Karte and draw yourself a map of what cities are on this route and where it ends. You can also roll your mouse over the yellow hill graphic at the top of the web page to see the different cities and how high they are!) Under Geschichte, find out when this road was "built" and why. Even if you don't understand the entire German narrative and if you do, you shouldn't be in German 506! try to find cognates (words that look the same in German as they do in English), dates and names to help you guess at the history of the Romantische Straße. What words do you recognize? What do you think the history is, based on these words?
Next, check out the Jugendherbergen link. What type of accommodations do you think these are? Can you find one in Würzburg? How much does it cost a night? What other information can you find about this place? Finally, look under the Angebote links (right column of the Romantische Straße home page) and see what types of trips this website offers. Which one would you like to participate in? Why?
Webquest links