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1.1:  Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz

As part of Deutsch im Blick, you will explore the culture(s) of the German-speaking countries via Internet webquests. The first webquest introduces you to Germany, Switzerland and Austria, to show you where people speak German – the language you have just begun studying.

German is spoken in several European countries as an official language, and is widely spoken in a number of other countries world-wide.

Official language of Also spoken in






Italy (Bolzano/Südtirol)



Czech Republic


Former Soviet Union

France (Alsatian)



Poland (Silesia)


United States (e.g., Pennsylvania Dutch and Texas German derived from German dialects)

narrow upright rectangle with Germany's flag colors and url

Go to the official German tourism bureau's website (specifically: under top link Reiseland Deutschland), and answer the following questions:

  • What are the major cities in Germany?
  • What are the political regions in Germany called?
  • How many political "regions" are there?
  • What is the capital of Germany?
  • How big is Germany compared to the US? Which US state(s) are the same size?

Click on Sehenswürdigkeiten and look at the pictures the Tourist Bureau offers as the places that best represent Germany. What do these images tell you about what the bureau (at least) considers valuable, important or significant?

Explore at least three (3) other Sehenswürdigkeiten (from the drop-down menu on the left) and find these places on the Interactive map offered by the website. Draw a picture for yourself, marking these sites on your map, so you can tell your classmates about them at the next class period.

Austrian flag and url

Next, take a virtual trip to Austria at the Austrian tourism website. First, look at the webcams: find Vienna and Salzburg - what's "showing" right now? What is the weather there now?

Under Über Österreich, find the information to the following questions:

  • What are the political regions in Austria called?
  • How many political "regions" are there?
  • What is the capital of Austria?

After having surfed these pages, think about what the images tell you about what the tourist bureau (at least) considers valuable, important or significant in Austria.

White text on two lines: Schweiz. ganz natürlich. Image links to

Finally, travel to Switzerland.  Under Zahlen & Fakten, find “Fakten über die Schweiz” and answer the following questions:

  • What are the political regions in Switzerland called?
  • How many political "regions" are there?
  • What is the capital of Switzerland?
  • What are the major cities? The highest peaks?
  • What languages are spoken in Switzerland besides German?

Click on one of the regional coat-of-arms and explore that region. Which one did you pick? What did you learn about this region?

After having surfed these pages, think about what the images tell you about what the tourist bureau (at least) considers valuable, important or significant in Switzerland.

Webquest links