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Tá Falado
May 12, 2007
Grammar Lesson 2:  Contractions, Getting Change From A Machine
Getting change from a machine Can you believe how many contractions Portuguese has? : nesse, num, do, naquele, aos, pelo, etc.  The list goes on and on.  When speakers of Spanish catch on to these contractions, sentences become instantly easier to understand.  And that, of course, is what Orlando, Michelle, Valdo, and José Luís hope to do with today's lesson on contractions.  At the same time, culturally, Valdo and Michelle found it hard to find their change that automatically fell out of a machine at the supermarket.  Sure enough, that would be a new experience for visitors from Brazil.
Download (right-click): tafalado_gra_02.mp3  (MP3, 12:20, 8.67 MB)