Radio Arlecchino
December 18, 2007
Episode 15:  The Holiday Special Continued
Click to view the Radio Arlecchino Christmas card!<br>by Suloni Robertson and Marissa Kopatic

Click to view the Radio Arlecchino Christmas card!
by Suloni Robertson and Marissa Kopatic

Holiday magic has allowed us to resume the remote broadcast we began in Episode 14.  You may remember that, in the beginning of our Radio Arlecchino Holiday Special, Eric had been invited to join our commedia friends as they celebrated the season backstage before opening a new show.  As they shared reminiscences of holidays past, we reviewed the grammar points we've encountered so far.  So now we can continue to enjoy the warm fuzzy feelings, as we continue to review our grammar.  Let's listen in before something else happens!
Download (right-click): ra_15.mp3  (MP3, 10:35, 8.68 MB)