Radio Arlecchino
About Us
The Radio Arlecchino Team, University of Texas at Austin
Antonella Olson Antonella Del Fattore-Olson,  faculty developer

Anotonella was born and raised in Rome, Italy, a city she deeply loves.  She shares her passion for Rome with the students she has been taking there since 1996 in the summer with the Department of French and Italian's Rome Study Program.  At UT-Austin, she also supervises first-year and coordinates lower-division courses in the Italian department.

Her visit to India and Nepal was one of the most thrilling of her travel experiences.  It was love that brought her to Austin many years ago after she received her Laurea in Comparative Literature and Theatre from the University of Rome "La Sapienza."  An incorrigible sessantottina, Antonella fulfills her passion for interacting with people in an open, creative environment teaching Italian language, culture and directing plays at UT-Austin.

Antonella and her family – Bob, Romina, and dog Romolo – enjoy living in Austin during the academic year and spending their summers in Italy.

"A Bob, con cui ho scoperto la magia del teatro ... e della vita"

Eric Edwards Eric Edwards,  faculty developer

Eric is from that exotic region of Italy known as Kansas ...  He first began learning Italian on the shores of Tripoli (Libya) where there was a large and thriving Italian community, and plenty of bookstores that carried issues of Topolino and Paperino.  He completed his secondary education at St Stephen's School in Rome and attended the American College in Paris.  He received his Master of Arts degree in Theatre Arts from Emporia State University.

In 1989, an unforeseen staffing crisis saved him from an assignment teaching French at UT-Austin, and the rest is history – a history of teaching Italian. Eric composed the music heard in Radio Arlecchino podcasts, and before leaving the University, Eric was the supervisor of second-year Italian language and culture courses at UT-Austin for several years, where he also taught an occasional introductory course in Italian theatre.

"... al mio caro Flavio, ‘com aquele grande abraço’"

Esmeralda Moscatelli Esmeralda Moscatelli,  Italian language assistant

Esmeralda was born in Rome, Italy.  She has been teaching Italian at the University of Texas since 1999.  She studied Contemporary History at the University of Rome and she is completing her Master's at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas.

She has traveled extensively and lived in many different places.  She has an unrivalled love for the African continent and she hopes to return sometime in the future.  Esmeralda speaks Italian, English, and Spanish.

She loves cooking, eating, and wasting time.  She lives in downtown Austin with her three men – Teodoro, Marcello, and Richard – without whom life would be quite a bore!

Nevin Pecorelli Nevin Pecorelli,  Italian language assistant

Nevin was born and raised in Perugia, Italy.  She's currently working on her Ph.D. dissertation in Italian Language and Literature at the University of Rutgers, New Jersey, but she has been living in Austin, Texas for the last two years.  She also teaches Italian at St. Edwards University in Austin.

She has always had a great passion for travelling.  At the age of seven, she was ready to go on an exchange program in Aix-en-Provence, France (unfortunately she got sick and she couldn't go, but she tried her best to hide it from her parents, who didn't find out that she was sick until the night before her departure!). 

When she was sixteen she went to Budapest, to be hosted by a Hungarian family.  Ever since, she has travelled all over Europe.  She spent a semester abroad in Granada, Spain, and she taught Italian in a remote, small village in the Australian outback in the state of Victoria.

Her hobbies took a big break with the arrival of her first baby.  The only thing she can do now, thanks to a great bike and a wonderful baby bike seat, is to ride back and forth to the University of Texas trying to exercise.  Yes!

Karen Kelton Karen Kelton,  TLTC project manager

Karen is the Project Manager in the Texas Language Technology Center and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of French and Italian at UT-Austin.  She has supervised lower-division French courses since 1989 and was the Coordinator of Lower Division French from 2003-2006.

Karen's fascination with the potential of computer-aided instruction dates from her first UT Project QUEST award in 1990, when she created Hypercard stacks to teach French pronunciation.  Curriculum development, in particular, building a technology-enhanced first year French program, has been the unifying focus of her work at the University of Texas.

Karen and her husband Phil have three grown children and spend their time commuting between Austin and McDonald Observatory in West Texas, where her husband has worked for over thirty years.  They love to travel and explore France with UT students when she directs the UT Summer Program in Lyon, France.

Michael Heidenreich Michael Heidenreich,  audio engineer

Michael has been recording audio since his days in middle school when he found a four-track tape recorder at a garage sale for $20.  He used this four track for many purposes, but the biggest one was annoying his family members.  To this day, no one in his family knows for sure if this was his original goal or just an odd side effect.

He continued his audio training at the University of Texas at Austin where he found a bigger crowd to annoy with his recordings.  He has produced a number of albums for various local bands and has spent time blabbering away on local radio stations.

He lives in downtown Austin with his wife and two cats.  When he is not busy 'listening to the world' he spends his time running through it.

Sean Neesley Sean Neesley,  audio assistant

Sean was born in Houston, Tx but spent most of his childhood frolicking among the red rocks and magical vortexes of Sedona, Az. Upon graduating from Red Rock High, Sean moved back to Texas to study at UT Austin.

Growing up in a household full of musicians lead Sean to music at an early age. When he wasn't busy climbing trees and meditating, he was playing music with other local musicians. One day he was visited by grandmother spider who guided him to the fascinating world of audio recording where he discovered his true passion.

Currently, Sean is a senior undergraduate in psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. He also works as an Assistant Audio Specialist for Liberal Arts ITS. He will graduate in May '07 and is currently accepting any and all job offers (especially those involving audio and vortexes).

s.palomino s.palomino,  web applications developer

s.palomino was born deep in the heart of San Antonio, TX – of Midwestern American parents who headed Southwest with the promise of blue skies, sunshine, and new horizons.

Palomino grew up in West Texas and graduated from the University of Texas at Austin, where he has been employed as a multimedia and technology explorer ever since.  His professional endeavors have ranged from audio production, to video editing and post-production, to computer programming, to systems mangement, to multimedia and web applications design. 

He enjoys listening to and playing music: one of several hundred thousand amateur musicologists/musicians in the Austin area.  He hopes one day to return to the worlds of audio production and multimedia design (original technical inspirations), or as the muse leads.

He lives in the Texas Hill Country with his wife and two cats.  He is inspired by hill country skies, clouds, landscapes, moving streams, and natural environments of all kinds.

Suloni Robertson Suloni Robertson,  artist

Suloni was born in the paradise of Nairobi, Kenya, in 1969.  In suburban Connecticut, Illinois, and Texas, she experienced an extended Disneyesque Technicolor Childhood, from which she hasn't recovered, to this day.  Blinded by the beauty of the world early in life, she was forced to submit to it somehow.  So, her addiction to making art started.

Illusory, dream like years passed.  After earning a B.A. in Fine Arts for painting from the University of Texas, Suloni went roaming and lost herself in the Jungle of Real Life.  Luckily for her, she was identified, rescued, and brought back to recover in the safe haven of UT as a graphic artist for Liberal Arts ITS.

Having a great attraction to all things wild, cute and vulnerable, she captured and married her creature Joe in 1997.  Schreeber and Twyla are their perfect feline children.  They all share an incurable movie watching habit, and together they live through many condensed life times, empathizing with fictional characters.

Marissa Kopatic Marissa Kopatic,  artist's assistant

Marissa grew up in Austin, Texas, where she attended high school and is now a second-year psychology undergraduate in the College of Liberal Arts.  At the end of this semester (Spring 2007), she plans to declare a second major in Biology with a focus in Neurobiology within the College of Natural Sciences.

Throughout high school and her first two years at UT, Marissa has avidly pursued an interest in art and design – first with multiple art classes and competitions in high school and now as an STA with LAITS.  While most of her time is dedicated to visual composition and design for LAITS, she also enjoys creating and assembling AV and movie projects for professors at UT.

Eulogio Eclarinal Eulogio Eclarinal,  artist's assistant

Eulogio was was born in Olongapo City, Philippines.  He mostly grew up in San Antonio, Texas.

He is currently a senior studying Biochemistry at The University of Texas, Austin.  Eulogio attended the Design and Technology Academy, housed on the campus of Theodore Roosevelt High School (San Antonio), where he discovered the awesomeness that is Illustrator and Photoshop.  When he isn't doing school stuff, he dreams of being a neurologist or infectious diseases doctor, and ballroom dance expert – the former being the easier of the two.

Andrew King Andrew King,  artist's assistant

Andrew was born in Kilgore, Texas, in the Chinese year of the Rat.  He was raised in Lubbock, Texas.  There he learned various art forms, including the art of filmmaking, graphic design, and the art of coping with incredible boredom.  He used his graphic design knowledge and his lack of having anything better to do to work at a local sign shop designing logos and signs.  After turning the small sign shop into a multi-million dollar conglomerate, he moved to Austin to major in Film at UT.

Now, as a Student Technology Assistant in LAITS, Andrew employs his experience as a graphic artist and film student to make professors' dreams come true with awesome drawings and amazing videos.  His stellar personality and charming presence consistently enhance the lives of his clients, co-workers, employers, schoolmates, neighbors, passers-by, government officials, celebrities, and world leaders.

In his free time, Andrew watches movies, drinks Dr. Pepper, and hangs out with the love of his life (not the Dr. Pepper, his fiancée).  He also enjoys playing racquetball and writing humble, non-pretentious autobiographies.

Matt Nall Matt Nall,  artist's assistant

Matt was born in San Antonio, Texas, in the year 1985.  A few years later, he was taken to the Arizonan desert to be raised by a pack of wild coyotes.  During this time, he roamed the wilderness and learned the ways of the land until his Spirit Guide directed him home.  Upon his return to Texas, he decided that it was time to shed his fur and attend the University of Texas.

It was here, at UT, where Matt fell in love with the communication arts and decided to pursue a dual degree in Advertising and Radio-Television-Film.  Unfortunately, this higher education came with a price – forcing Matt to work long, hard hours for the Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services.  But fear not, he will not be caged up by the rigors of school forever.  Soon he will be set free, back into the wild, where he will then be accepting job offers and or money donations.


Funding and production support provided by Texas Language Technology Center and Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services – College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin.