Lesson 2: Context

Contextualizing Language with Multimedia

As an introduction to how technology can provide context for language learning, let's look at a podcast series entitled Tá Falado. The series was created for learners of Portuguese who already speak or who have studied Spanish. Given the two languages' historical Latin roots and the similarities in grammar and vocabulary, the Spanish language provides an excellent context for the learning of Portuguese. The greatest challenge for students is to learn about the differences in pronunciation. The second challenge is to discover which grammar issues are different. As you listen to the video description, focus on the ways in which Tá Falado provides context for the language learner.


Demonstration of the Tá Falado web site.

Duration: 03:44

The multimedia makeup of Tá Falado exemplifies "context" in two related, but distinct, ways. First, learners use their knowledge of Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation to contextualize Portuguese. This type of context allows them to make inferences about the Portuguese language. Let's call this "contextualized language samples." Second, the multimedia combines audio, video, pictures, and text in new ways that help to create a unique rich learning environment. This type of context allows students to make new combinations for enhanced learning. We can call this a "contextualized learning environment." Continue on to see examples of each kind of contextualizing.