Lesson 4: Challenges of the Holistic Approach


1. Which of the following assumptions about L1 use is proposed in Lesson 4:

2. Teaching reading with a holistic approach involves using texts to

3. To retool the reading component in an existing curriculum in the terms discussed in this unit, you might be well-advised to start by

4. A test of reading can be characterized as holistic when it

Clear Answers

Think back on your initial foreign language learning experience. How old were you? Did you first learn the language in a classroom or by living in the foreign country or among foreign language speakers? Was English used in these settings in conjunction with the foreign language? Do you recall occasions when you would have liked to speak or hear your native language or preferred not to? How might you insights /recollection help you identify when it might or might not be useful to speak English in your classroom or allow it to be spoken by your students with respect to reading selections? What restrictions on multilingualism might you wish to impose or have the class contract for and why?