Lesson 2: The Physical Classroom

Some Classroom Types

Assuming that we have for our language class a technology enhanced or "smart" classroom. What would it typically look like? Of the various types of smart classrooms, the most common ones are the following:

The Auditorium

The Medium-Sized Classroom

The Small Classroom

The Lecture Classroom

The Seminar Room

The Lab Room

Which of these would you rather not have as your classroom? Which would be the ideal? Why?

The Console

In all "smart" classrooms, we have a console that allows us to control the technology.

The console typically has a control panel through which the instructor manipulates the equipment and the lights; a computer screen and keyboard/mouse; a computer and/or a cable that allows the instructor to use her own laptop; and a document camera that allows the instructor to project images from a book or any other non-electronic source.

If you had to choose between a document camera and a computer, which would you prefer?