SpinTX: From Corpus to Classroom


Project Description:

COERLL’s Spanish in Texas Corpus (SpinTX) project was selected to receive funding from the Longhorn Innovation Fund for Technology (LIFT) for the grant period September 1, 2012 – August 31, 2013. The Spanish in Texas project created a spoken corpus of authentic Spanish and bilingual Spanish-English speech samples from diverse populations across Texas. The focus of the grant project was to help educators exploit the videos in the SpinTX corpus to customize materials for the teaching of Spanish at all educational levels.

The specific objectives of the Corpus-to-Classsroom project were:

  • to develop a pedagogically friendly interface for the video corpus;
  • to involve teachers and learners, via crowd-sourcing, social networking, and workshops, in the development of open educational resources (OER);
  • and to develop a model for using open source tools and a pedagogical interface that can be adapted for any language corpus.

The project resulted in the creation of the SpinTX Video Archive.

Project Co-ordinator(s)

  • Almeida Jacqueline Toribio
  •  Barbara E. Bullock

Project Partners

Resources and Links