• German Frame-semantic Online Lexicon (G-FOL)


    Hans Boas

     | Publisher: 

    The German Frame-semantic Online Lexicon (G-FOL) is a prototype of a new kind of pedagogical dictionary. The goal is to help students learn how words are used in modern-day German. This online resource is different from traditional dictionaries and textbooks because it is based on the German FrameNet at the University of Texas at Austin, a digital archive of how German words are used in real life contexts. As such, students can easily access up-to-date information about the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic contexts in which a German word appears. In addition, each lexical entry provides information about a word’s register, frequency, and related meanings.

  • Recorridos por la literatura hispana


    Rose Potter , Betsy Arnold

     | Publisher: 

    COERLL has partnered with Rose Potter and Betsy Arnold to publish Recorridos-Don Quijote, a pair of openly-licensed books for the study of Cervantes’ Don Quijote in upper level Spanish courses, including AP. The student workbook, accessible online for free, deepens students’ understanding of the text through reading, pre-reading, and post-reading activities and glosses. The companion teacher support facilitates the teaching of Don Quijote through student-centered strategies and activities, historical and cultural information, quizzes, exams and more.

  • Tá Falado


    Orlando Kelm

     | Publisher: 

    Tá Falado includes 46 podcast lessons on the pronunciation and grammar of Portuguese, specifically designed to help those who already speak Spanish. The lessons are built around Portuguese dialogs that are repeated in Spanish, providing a direct comparison of the two languages. All lessons include downloadable PDF files with the transcripts and notes, mp3 audio files, and blog discussions. Additionally all of the dialogs present cultural scenarios that illustrate differences between North American and Brazilian culture.

  • Pitch Perfect Pinyin


    Wen-Hua Teng

     | Publisher: 

    Pitch Perfect Pinyin is a two-part interactive website for learning Pinyin pronunciation.

  • Chinese Word Order Exercises


    Wen-Hua Teng

     | Publisher: 

    Created by student request, this set of basic word-order exercises will help beginners practice the foundational skills of how to use the language in the right order.

  • Rockin Russian


    Thomas Jesús Garza

     | Publisher: 

    Rockin Russian is designed to give students exposure to the Russian language and culture through the medium of Russian music videos. Students are able to perfect their grammar while rocking out to music videos from Russia’s pop stars. Based on Russian music videos from MTV Russia, Rockin’ Russian is supplemented with exercise materials focusing on pronunciation, vocabulary development, grammar and cultural features. Parts of the videos are embedded into exercises in each category that students can revisit, strengthening their language skills.

  • Le Littéraire dans le quotidien


    Joanna Gay Luks

     | Publisher: 

    “The literary in the every day,” is a textbook for a transdisiplinary approach to reading/writing at the first and second year levels of college French. The files that make up the textbook serve as foreign language templates in the form of an OER to bridge the well known divide between lower level language courses and upper level literature “content” courses. Language teachers, with the help of these templates, can develop their own reading and writing activities to highlight the metaphorical nature of language. In our continued commitment toward making our resources more open and remixable, the resource is published in a publicly accessible Google Drive. With a Google account, users can even make their own copy and remix the content.

  • ¡Listos!


    Meredith Clark , José Sologuren

     | Publisher: 

    ¡Listos! is a series of units for Heritage Spanish learners in grades 6-12. Three lessons aligned to the K12 Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) form four thematic clusters. Relevant scenarios related to personal life, college tasks, career readiness and civic participation frame each lesson and increase student engagement by making learning authentic and relevant to real issues that students face.

  • Chinese Flashcards


    Wen-Hua Teng

     | Publisher: 

    Practice vocabulary on the go! The original idea conceived by a fellow Chinese language student, this flashcard exercise is an engaging and effective way to review vocabulary terms from the convenience of your mobile device.

  • Chinese Take-In


    Wen-Hua Teng

     | Publisher: 

    Chinese Take-In provides an interactive environment where first-year Chinese learners can practice listening outside the classroom according to individual needs and paces while receiving immediate feedback.

  • Spanish Proficiency Training Website and Learner Corpus


    Dale Koike

     | Publisher: 

    The purpose of these materials is to help future public school teachers of Spanish in their assessment of learners’ levels of proficiency. These materials not only present videos of learners interacting with an interlocutor, but also direct the viewer to notice features about the learners’ language and proficiency levels. The website also presents information on proficiency levels to help the viewer develop a greater awareness of differences in learner language.

  • Portuguese Communication Exercises


    Orlando Kelm

     | Publisher: 

    A compilation of nearly 350 brief video clips, together with a complete Portuguese transcription and English translation of native speakers of Portuguese from various locations throughout Brazil (and some Portugal) who talk about 80 different topics.


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