In Lesson 1 of this module, communicative tasks were described as "student-centered" or "student-focused." But does that mean that the teacher's role is unimportant? Hardly! Even the most well-designed communicative task must be carefully managed by the teacher.
In Lesson 4, we will consider what it means to implement a communicative task. In particular, we will consider how teachers can help guide students and keep them on task throughout the communication.

A set of guidelines for implementing communicative activities.
Duration: 04:33
Review the guidelines for implementing communicative activities (Brandl 2008) and consider how you could incorporate these into your classroom.
- Make the goal clear from the beginning.
- Involve all participants equally.
- Make sure students are adequately prepared.
- Provide clear instructions and examples.
- Make an effort to mix groups.
- Assign activities that are relevant and interesting to students.
- Circulate, circulate, circulate.
- Teach group interaction skills.
- Hold group accountable for completing task on time.