Further Reading
Text Matricies and Curriculum Development
Janet Swaffar and Katherine Arens. Remapping the Foreign Language Curriculum: A Multi-Literacies Approach. New York: Modern Language Association, 2005
Janet K. Swaffar, K. Arens, and Heidi Byrnes. Reading for Meaning: An Integrated Approach to Language Learning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall: 1991
Text Types
Allen, Edward D., Elizabeth B. Bernhardt, Mary Therese Berry, and Majorie Demel. "Comprehension and Text Genre: An Analysis of Secondary School Foreign Language Readers." Modern Language Journal 72 (1988): 163-72.
Lee, James and Diani Musumeci. "On Hierarchies of Reading Skills and Text Types." Modern Language Journal 72 (1988): 173-87.
English in FL Reading Comprehension
Kern, Richard. "The Role of Mental Translation in Second Language Reading." Studies in Second Language Acquisition 16 (1994): 441-61.
Scott, Virginia and Maria José de la Fuente. "What's the Problem? L2 Learners' Use of L1 during Consciousness-raising Form-focused Tasks." Modern Language Journal 92 (2008): 100-113.