Pragmatics and Language Proficiency Levels
Here we will see two examples of learners of different proficiency levels as they compare advantages and disadvantages of living in a dorm versus an apartment. This is a fairly difficult question because the learners are giving an opinion and having to make a comparison between two entities. The videos are part of a larger corpus of learner videos, from Dr. Koike's Spanish Proficiency Training website (Learner 22, group 1, Question G).
A Beginning Language Learner
The following video illustrates a lower-level student as she compares advantages and disadvantages of living in a dorm versus an apartment.
Beginning language learner answers the question.
Duration: 01:03
A More Advanced Language Learner
A higher-level student answers the same question of comparing advantages and disadvantages of living in a dorm versus an apartment.
Intermediate-high language learner answers the question.
Duration: 02:50
Think about the main differences in the opinions given by the two learners. Was the lower level learner able to communicate her basic ideas, or was she fairly incapable of doing so?
An analysis of the responses from the different-level language learners.
Duration: 01:37
For more information on characteristics of different proficiency levels for speaking a foreign language, refer to The American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines.