Lesson 3: Direct Assessment

Language Level

Several challenges exist for teachers using direct assessment in language classrooms; however, given the popularity of this method, solutions have been proposed. Three challenges: language level, feedback, and score interpretation, will be discussed along with solutions to help teachers overcome them.

The first challenge is using direct assessment with low proficiency students. For these students, producing the language can be difficult and limited. Tasks in direct assessment may be complex and confusing to complete. The teachers' feedback may not be clear if given in the first language, and as novice language learners, students may not know how to improve based on the teacher's feedback.

Have you ever given a test where the students didn't follow the instructions? Why do you think it happened? Think of some solutions to these potential problems.


Managing students' low language levels when using direct assessment.

Duration: 04:20

Some solutions to help beginning level students with direct assessment follow:

  • use L1 in instructions and feedback,
  • write clear or familiar tasks,
  • prior to the assessment let student practice or model the task, and
  • only ask for short performances.