Frame description

Words in this frame refer to Vehicles that people use to travel and for transportation. The subframe Vehicle Parts contains words that name parts of the whole Vehicle, i.e. those that appear as the frame element Vehicle_parts, and the subframe General terms includes terms that are related to vehicles and traffic in general.

Because of the close real-world relationship between this frame and the related frames Vehicle: Operate and Vehicle: Ride, which deal with using vehicles as transportation, the frame elements Driver and Passenger from those frames are included here (after all, it wouldn't be a vehicle at all if it couldn't be used for transportation).


1. Ich bin am Freitag mit dem Auto zur Arbeit gefahren.1. I drove on Friday by car to work.
2. Der Sicherheitsgurt ist noch immer Lebensretter Nummer Eins – noch vor dem Airbag.  2. The seatbelt is still lifesaver number one - even before the airbag. 
3. Wenn der Verkehr besser fließt, dann fahren ja wieder mehr Leute mit dem Auto.3. When the traffic flows better, then go again more people by car.

Frame Elements

Frame Element descriptions (on hover):


The Vehicle_part is part of the Vehicle.


The Vehicle is the device that Drivers and Passengers use for transportation.


The Driver is the being, typically human, that controls the Vehicle as it moves.



The Passenger is a being that is being moved by means of the Vehicle.