Designing L2 Writing Tasks


We define post-writing as the step in the writing process where the written text is shared with other audiences, such as a peer-editor or the instructor or even with the general public.

The basic components of post-writing activities:

  • Re-read your story, make sure sentences make sense.
  • Add phrases to make the story flow smoothly (cohesion markers, pronouns, conjunctions).
  • Eliminate "fluff" (unnecessary or redundant details).
  • Proofread for spelling, vocabulary, grammar (checklist).
  • Edit your paper (peer-editing, post-teacher editing).
  • Share with audience (website, print, etc.).

How post-writing tasks can improve learners' L2 development.

Duration: 01:58


Publishing is optional and should be understood in the broadest sense of the word: sharing the author's written work with multiple readers or even viewers. Here are a few ideas for making student work public.

Publishing in written format:

  • an online blog
  • a wiki entry
  • a printed or online class newspaper/newsletter
  • a collection of poetry, short stor,y or mixed-genre writing

Publishing (Presentation) in oral format:

  • filming a news report
  • filming or producing a skit
  • producing a theater play or variety show, either for just the class or for a larger audience (long-term writing assignments)
  • poetry reading

Publishing or presenting written work can help focus learners' attention and motivation for writing: there is a real, legitimate communicative purpose for their work.